The trading in the following CBBC have been suspended due to mandatory call event (MCE). The MCE time provided here is for reference only. Investors should refer to the announcement published by CBBC issuer on HKEXnews for official MCE time. Information will only be included in the list 30 to 60 minutes after the occurrence of MCE.
Update Date: 15 Oct 2024 16:44 HKT
Issuer Name
MCE Time
49530 JP#DJIA RP2412TJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14/10/2024 23:39 HKT
49532 UB#DJIA RP2503AUBS AG14/10/2024 23:39 HKT
49541 SG#DJIA RP2603ASG Issuer14/10/2024 23:39 HKT
49754 HS#DJIA RP2603BThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited14/10/2024 23:39 HKT
49736 MS#DJIA RP2603BMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited14/10/2024 22:26 HKT
52416 SG#LIAUTRC2506DSG Issuer15:35:02
54969 HS#SENTMRC2508AThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited15:24:21
55249 MS#HSI RC2709SMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited15:22:34
52535 UB#ALIBARC2507GUBS AG15:22:29
55406 JP#ALIBARC2607DJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.15:22:29
54885 GJ#HSI RC27096Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited15:22:14
55296 CI#HSI RC2804ICITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited15:22:14
55347 CT#HSI RC2707ECitigroup Global Markets Europe AG15:22:14
55321 SG#HSI RC2710ZSG Issuer15:22:02
55005 SG#WUXI RC2512ASG Issuer15:17:45
51383 BP#TENCTRC2502NBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.15:17:14
51509 JP#TENCTRC2507BJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.15:17:14
55113 JP#HSI RC2712DJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:53:48
55491 UB#HSI RC2712NUBS AG14:49:20
52519 UB#MTUANRC2508CUBS AG14:39:21
53212 SG#MTUANRC2508FSG Issuer14:39:21
54974 HS#MTUANRC2508AThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited14:39:21
55162 BP#MTUANRC2506GBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.14:39:21
54920 MS#HSI RC2707CMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited14:37:38
55265 BI#HSI RC27093BOCI Asia Limited14:37:24
55353 CT#HSI RC2709XCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG14:37:24
55366 JP#HSI RC27086J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:37:24
55411 HS#HSI RC27093The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited14:37:24
55317 SG#HSI RC2710YSG Issuer14:29:30
52664 JP#BYD RC2508AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:22:33
55021 SG#HSI RC2707OSG Issuer14:22:20
54952 HS#HSI RC27097The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited14:21:16
55120 JP#HSI RC27084J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:21:16
55199 UB#HSI RC2712FUBS AG14:21:16
55210 UB#HSCEIRC2710AUBS AG14:21:14
52410 SG#BYD RC2507GSG Issuer14:20:29
51742 MS#TENCTRC2506CMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited14:18:33
55255 MS#HSI RC2709TMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited14:18:12
55346 CT#HSI RC2709QCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG14:17:48
55489 UB#HSI RC2712MUBS AG14:17:48
52401 SG#HSTECRC2506ESG Issuer14:17:36
53588 JP#HSTECRC2503AJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:17:36
54179 CT#HSTECRC2506ACitigroup Global Markets Europe AG14:17:36
55304 SG#HSI RC2707WSG Issuer14:16:30
52104 JP#HKEX RC2704CJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:11:55
54921 MS#HSI RC2710DMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited14:11:48
55020 SG#HSI RC2707NSG Issuer14:11:48
54993 CT#HSI RC2509JCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG14:09:08
55275 HU#HSI RC2707LHuatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited14:09:08
55369 JP#HSI RC2711UJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.14:09:08
55414 HS#HSI RC27095The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited14:09:08
52192 MS#HKEX RC2704AMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited13:30:48
55118 JP#HSI RC27082J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.13:30:26
55487 UB#HSI RC27104UBS AG13:30:26
51381 BP#TENCTRC2502MBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.13:30:20
51483 SG#TENCTRC2506HSG Issuer13:30:20
51617 UB#TENCTRC25067UBS AG13:30:20
51769 HS#TENCTRC2506QThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited13:30:20
52230 BP#TENCTRC2502VBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.13:30:20
55086 JP#TENCTRC2506XJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.13:30:20
55303 SG#HSI RC2707VSG Issuer13:30:06
55239 MS#HSI RC2806PMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited13:30:02
55313 SG#HKEX RC2604ASG Issuer13:29:42
55495 UB#HKEX RC2710FUBS AG13:29:42
54959 HS#HSI RC27091The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited13:29:18
55267 GJ#HSI RC27098Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited13:29:18
55295 CI#HSI RC2804HCITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited13:29:18
55348 CT#HSI RC2610FCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG13:29:18
55019 SG#HSI RC27097SG Issuer13:28:56
55198 UB#HSI RC2712EUBS AG13:28:30
55264 BI#HSI RC27092BOCI Asia Limited13:26:08
55370 JP#HSI RC27087J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.13:25:26
55416 HS#HSI RC27096The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited13:16:30
55486 UB#HSI RC2711PUBS AG13:16:30
55302 SG#HSI RC27099SG Issuer13:15:56
55240 MS#HSI RC2806QMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited13:13:32
51443 SG#NTES RC2510DSG Issuer13:04:19
51596 UB#NTES RC2510BUBS AG13:04:19
55392 JP#HKEX RC2710IJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.11:09:32
52127 JP#TENCTRC2507EJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.11:09:28
54972 HS#ALIBARC2506JThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited10:53:53
55315 SG#ALIBARC2507MSG Issuer10:53:53
55494 UB#ALIBARC2508FUBS AG10:53:53
51400 BP#BAIDURC2502FBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:48:40
55261 MS#MTUANRC2509DMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited10:48:38
55345 CT#HSI RC27099Citigroup Global Markets Europe AG10:47:44
55365 JP#HSI RC27085J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:47:44
55301 SG#HSI RC2707USG Issuer10:46:26
55485 UB#HSI RC27103UBS AG10:43:16
55161 BP#MTUANRC2506FBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.10:42:28
55493 UB#MTUANRC2506MUBS AG10:42:28
55480 UB#CCB RP2504AUBS AG10:31:06
55294 CI#HSI RC2804GCITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited10:18:56
55109 JP#MTUANRC2509FJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.10:13:51
55376 JP#HSI RP2710KJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:43:22
55242 MS#HSI RC2806RMorgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:35:42
55300 SG#HSI RC2707TSG Issuer09:35:42
55364 JP#HSI RC27099J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:35:42
55412 HS#HSI RC27094The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:35:42
55483 UB#HSI RC27102UBS AG09:35:42
55328 SG#TENCTRC2506KSG Issuer09:30:07
55492 UB#TENCTRC2507UUBS AG09:30:07
55391 JP#MTUANRC2509GJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:30:01
55395 JP#TENCTRC2508GJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:30:01
55496 UB#MTUANRC2506NUBS AG09:30:01
55245 MS#HSI RP25045Morgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:20:38
55246 MS#HSI RP25046Morgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:20:38
55254 MS#HSI RP25054Morgan Stanley Asia Products Limited09:20:38
55266 BI#HSI RP26049BOCI Asia Limited09:20:38
55277 HU#HSI RP2504FHuatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited09:20:38
55279 BP#HSI RP25055BNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55280 BP#HSI RP2708NBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55281 BP#HSI RP2708OBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55282 BP#HSI RP2708PBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55284 BP#HSI RP2708QBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55293 BP#HSI RP2708VBNP Paribas Issuance B.V.09:20:38
55297 CI#HSI RP2504JCITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited09:20:38
55305 SG#HSI RP2505RSG Issuer09:20:38
55323 SG#HSI RP2503GSG Issuer09:20:38
55324 SG#HSI RP2503RSG Issuer09:20:38
55325 SG#HSI RP2503XSG Issuer09:20:38
55349 CT#HSI RP2504ECitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:20:38
55351 CT#HSI RP2504JCitigroup Global Markets Europe AG09:20:38
55377 JP#HSI RP2710LJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:38
55379 JP#HSI RP2704TJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:38
55382 JP#HSI RP27041J.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:38
55417 HS#HSI RP25037The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:38
55423 HS#HSI RP25038The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:38
55424 HS#HSI RP2503LThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited09:20:38
55441 UB#HSI RP2711WUBS AG09:20:38
55456 UB#HSI RP2504CUBS AG09:20:38
55457 UB#HSI RP2704MUBS AG09:20:38
55460 UB#HSI RP2711ZUBS AG09:20:38
55371 JP#HKEX RC2710HJ.P. Morgan Structured Products B.V.09:20:11
55490 UB#TENCTRC2507TUBS AG09:20:11