Market Turnover


Monthly Statistics

Monthly Statistics for OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited (July 2024)

Rates Derivatives Contracts

Notional Value[1]
Currency Monthly New Contracts Cumulative Outstanding Contracts
USD 2,208,710,000.00 54,016,307,929.08
HKD 13,714,000,000.00 497,557,680,000.00
CNY 3,950,000,000.00 205,184,000,000.00
EUR 326,112,000.00 1,097,946,000.00
IRS - Swap Connect
  Number of Trades Notional Value[1]
Currency Monthly New Contracts
CNY 572 300,740,000,000.00

[1] In the Currency in which the Contract is denominated

Notional Value[2]
Currency Monthly New Contracts Cumulative Outstanding Contracts
USD/CNH 9,494,886,365.24 224,148,724,348.54
USD/HKD 2,176,282,302.60 64,436,533,681.00


DFX - FX Swap
Notional Value[2]


Monthly New Contracts Cumulative Outstanding Contracts
USD/CNH 0.00 260,000,000.00
USD/HKD 0.00 0.00

[2] Denominated in USD