Market Turnover


OTC Clear

Clearing Procedures

OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited Clearing Procedures


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Clearing Procedures
1.1 Interpretation
1.2 Amendments
1.3 Operations of the Rates and FX Clearing Services and Clearing Link Services
Chapter 2 Membership
2.1 Membership Application Process
2.2 Future Categories of Membership
2.3 Clearing Members’ On-going Requirements and Obligations
2.4 Client Clearing
2.5 Changes to conditions of Membership
2.6 Notification
2.7 Audit, Inspection or System Tests
2.8 Suspension, Termination and Resignation
2.9 Capped Liability Period
Chapter 3 Rates and FX Clearing Services and Clearing Link Services
3.1 Overview
3.2 Approved Trade Registration System
3.3 Process of Registration and Rejection
3.4 Product Eligibility Requirements
3.4A Suspension of Products
3.5 Error Contract
3.6 De-registration
3.6A Multilateral Compression
3.7 Accounts
3.8 Settlement Components
3.9 Procedures for Voluntary Deposit of Cash Collateral, porting of Cash Collateral representing Excess Margin and Withdrawal of Cash Collateral representing Excess Margin and Rates and FX Contribution Excess
3.10 Types of Securities Acceptable as Non-cash Collateral and Procedures for Voluntary Deposit of Non-Cash Collateral, porting of Non-Cash Collateral representing Excess Margin and Withdrawal of Non-Cash Collateral representing Excess Margin
3.11 Cash Settlement Method
3.12 Cash Settlement Time
3.13 Interest received on Non-Cash Collateral
3.14 Maturity of Non-Cash Collateral
3.15 Tax
3.16 Reporting
3.17 Porting of Client Contracts and Collateral to a Transferee Clearing Member
3.18 Porting of Contracts and Collateral amongst Client Accounts of a Clearing Member
3.19 Notional Exchange Failure Handling Procedures
3.20  Mandatory Notional Exchange Risk Limit Reduction Procedures
Chapter 4 Margin and Valuation
4.1 Margin Requirement
4.2 Initial Margin
4.3 Variation Margin
4.4 Intra-day Variation Margin
4.5 Additional Margin
4.5A Participating Margin
4.6 Margin Process
4.7 End-of-Day Valuation and Settlement Process
Chapter 5 Curve Construction           
5.1 Curve Construction for Rates Derivatives Contracts
5.2 Curve Construction for FX Derivatives Contracts
Chapter 6 Rates and FX Guarantee Resources           
6.1 Rates and FX Guarantee Resources
6.2 Excess Margin and CM Funded Contribution Amount
Where the Special Clearing House Participant is the highest Expected Uncollateralized Loss
6.3 Stress Test
6.4 OTC Clear Contribution
Chapter 7 Collateral
7.1 Acceptable Collateral
7.2 Cash Collateral
7.3 Non-cash Collateral
7.4 Collateral Concentration Limit
7.5 Collateral Valuation
7.6 Treatment of Collateral
Chapter 8 Default Management
8.1 Interpretation and Overview
8.2 Member Obligations
8.3 Scope and Responsibility of Default Management Group
8.4 Suspension of Activities
8.5 Hedging (Risk Neutralizing)
8.6 Auction
8.7 Portfolio Splitting and Re-composition
8.8 Cost of Default and Loss Attribution
8.9 Post Auction Communication
8.10 Review
8.11 Porting of Affected Contracts and Collateral to a Replacement Clearing Member
Chapter 9 Special Events / Business Continuity
9.1 Arrangement for Special Events
9.2 Primary Data Center
9.3 Service Outage
9.4 Special Arrangement for Valuation of a Standard Rates Derivatives Contract which is Denominated in HK$ and a Standard Cross-currency Rates Derivatives Contract which has a Fixed Amount or Floating Amount Denominated in HK$ under Adverse Weather Conditions
9.5 Special Arrangement of Voluntary Deposit of Cash Collateral, Porting of Excess Margin and Withdrawal of Excess Margin, Excess Participating Margin and Rates and FX Contribution Excess under Adverse Weather Conditions
 9.6 Special Arrangements of settlement of Initial Exchange Amount and/or Final Exchange Amount of any Standard Cross-currency Rates Derivatives Contract and Notional Amounts of any Deliverable FX Derivatives Contract under Adverse Weather Conditions
Chapter 10 Determination of Close-out Value
10.1 Close-out Value
10.2 Rates and FX Clearing Termination Event
10.3 Emergency Close-Out or OTC Clear Default
10.4 Product Suspension Event
10.5 Contract Termination Event and Special Clearing House Participant Default
Chapter 11 Clearing Procedures relating to the Special Clearing House Participant
Obligations of the Special Clearing House Participant
Operation of the Clearing Link Services
De-registration of Inter-CCP Rates Derivatives Contract
Inter-CCP Margin Amount
Variation Margin
Product specific terms and calculation methodologies
Cash Collateral
Non-cash Collateral
Collateral Valuation

Appendix I Fees Schedule
Appendix II Additional Financial Centers
Appendix III Template Hong Kong law Deed of Charge – House Collateral Account
Appendix IV Template Hong Kong law Deed of Charge – Client Collateral Accounts
Appendix V Designated Maturities available for Linear Interpolation and for a Stub Calculation Period
Appendix VI List of Equivalent Floating Rate Options
Appendix VII Template SSM Tripartite Agreement - sponsoring Clearing Member incorporated in England
Appendix VIII Template SSM Tripartite Agreement - sponsoring Clearing Member incorporated in France
Glossary            Glossary

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Updated 02 Sep 2024