Market Turnover


Clearing and Settlement (Stock Connect Northbound)

Fees shk_grey Fees tabs_sSC Fees ld_grey Fees otcd_grey

Updated 26 Feb 2018

Clearing and Settlement Services

Fee Nature Transaction Nature Fee Amount
Stock clearing fee China Connect securities trade Nil
SI transaction SI input/amendment/revocation HK$1 per input
STI transaction STI input by Clearing Participant or Custodian Participant(Movement of eligible securities of SSAs under the same participant) HK$1 per input
Stock settlement fee China Connect securities trade Nil
SI transaction Broker-custodian transaction

(with trade value data input)
0.002% of gross value of a SI transaction, subject to a minimum fee of HK$2 and maximum of HK$100 per side per SI transaction


Gross value refers to input trade value
Broker-custodian transaction

(without trade value data input)
0.002% of gross value of a SI transaction, subject to a minimum fee of HK$2 and maximum of HK$100 per side per SI transaction


Gross value refers to value calculated at nominal prices of the previous trading day.
Other SI transactions

(e.g. portfolio movement)
Transfer Fee China Connect securities trade 0.002% of gross value of a China Connect Securities Trade


This fee is in addition to any transfer fee payable by a China Connect Clearing Participant under Rule 14A11 and Rule 14B11 of the Rules of the Exchange.


SI-Settlement Instruction     

STI-Stock Segregated Account Transfer Instruction

Concessions on stock clearing and settlement fees may be granted to participants for portfolio transfers involving SI transactions due to change of business. A discount in stock clearing fee and stock settlement fee may be granted to Participants, on written application by Participants, for SI Transactions due to such reasons as may be specified by HKSCC from time to time.

Please refer to section 21 of CCASS Operational Procedures for the complete fee schedule of HKSCC.

Electronic Money Settlement Services

Fee Nature Transaction Nature Fee Amount
Money settlement fee China Connect securities trade HK$0.50 for HKD items, CNY items and USD items for each CPI issued by HKSCC for transactions settled on a DVP basis
SI transaction HK$0.50 for HKD items, CNY items and USD items for each EPI issued by HKSCC for transactions settled on a DVP basis
Other miscellaneous amounts to be paid to or collected from participants
(e.g. mainland settlement deposit and mainland security deposit)
HK$0.50 for HKD items, CNY items and USD items for each DDI/DCI issued by HKSCC
Cash prepayment service fee For releasing securities-on-hold at the request of a China Connect Clearing Participant HK$100 per cash prepayment instruction processed


SI - Settlement Instruction

DDI - Direct Debit Instruction

DCI - Direct Credit Instruction

EPI - Electronic Payment Instruction

DVP - Delivery versus Payment

Please refer to section 21 of CCASS Operational Procedures for the complete fee schedule of HKSCC.

Updated 17 Aug 2017

Depository and Nominee Services

Fee Nature Transaction Nature Fee Amount
Special Segregated Account Maintenance Fee A full month’s fee will be charged for the months of opening and closing such Special Segregated Account. HK$50 per month per account


This fee is waived until further notice.
Portfolio fee For China Connect Securities held or recorded in CCASS. Accrued daily at fixed cumulative percentage per annum on the total daily stock portfolio value of China Connect Securities per Participant.
  • 0.008% per annum for the first HK$50 billion;
  • 0.007% per annum for the next HK$200 billion (portfolio values above HK$50 billion and up to HK$250 billion);
  • 0.006% per annum for the next HK$250 billion (portfolio values above HK$250 billion and up to HK$500 billion);
  • 0.005% per annum for the next HK$250 billion (portfolio values above HK$500 billion and up to HK$750 billion);
  • 0.004% per annum for the next HK$250 billion (portfolio values above HK$750 billion and up to HK$1,000 billion);
  • 0.003% per annum for the remainder (portfolio values above HK$1,000 billion).

Fee calculated on aggregate daily stock portfolio value in Stock Accounts of each Participant and collected on a monthly basis.

Notes: Please refer to section 21 of CCASS Operational Procedures for the complete fee schedule of HKSCC.

Updated 17 Aug 2017