The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), today (Friday) published amendments to its Listing Rules to introduce new headline categories enhancing the classification of issuers' announcements and facilitating investors' access to the information published on the HKExnews website.
Issuers' announcements published on the HKExnews website are classified now by headlines based on the content of the announcements. Currently, there are a large number of announcements under the headlines "Overseas Regulatory Announcement" and "Other". To better classify these announcements and facilitate investor access, the Exchange will introduce new headline categories for announcements related to, among others, business and trading updates, corporate governance related matters, litigation and board resolutions.
The Rule amendments relating to new headline categories will be effective on 1 April 2014.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) published today – FAQs relating to Selection of Headline Categories and Titles for Announcements (Series 27) – provide guidance on selection of headlines and titles for announcements.
The amendments to the Main Board Listing Rules (and GEM Listing Rules) can be downloaded from the "Rules & Regulations – Rules and Guidance on Listing Matters – The Rules and Procedures" section of the HKEx website.
The FAQscan be downloaded from the "Rules & Regulations – Rules and Guidance on Listing Matters – Interpretation and Guidance" section of the HKEx website.
Headline Categories Box on Search Page of HKExnews Website

Additional headline categories will help users of the HKExnews website who are searching for announcements on a particular subject or subject area.
Current and New Headline Categories
Headline Categories: Announcements and Notices – Corporate Positions and Committees/Corporate Changes and Miscellaneous