Market Turnover


HKEx Welcomes Government Appointment of Peter Wong to its Risk Management Committee

23 Dec 2009

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) welcomes the Government’s appointment of Peter Wong to succeed Benjamin Hung as a member of HKEx’s Risk Management Committee (RMC). The two-year appointment, which was made under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, will take effect from 20 January 2010.

HKEx wishes to express its sincere gratitude to Mr Hung for his contribution to the committee.

Mr Wong, currently Executive Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and Director of Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL), will succeed Mr Hung, as the Chairman of HKICL with effect from 20 January 2010.

From 20 January 2010, the members of the RMC will comprise:

1.    ARCULLI Ronald Joseph (Chairman)
2.   CHAN Ka-lok
3.     CHEUNG Kin-tung, Marvin
4.   FONG Hup
5.   KWOK Chi-piu, Bill
6.    LAU Ying-pan, Edmond
7.    LUI Kei-kwong, Keith
8.   WONG Tung Shun, Peter

Updated 23 Dec 2009