Market Turnover



Margining Methodology - Hong Kong Market

HKSCC adopts a two-tier margin approach that follows the classification of Hang Seng Composite Index (“HSCI”).  Stocks which are constituents of Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index or Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index, all equity ETPs, and structured products of the aforementioned Tier P instrument(s) as underlyings are subject to Tier P margin calculation.  All other non-Tier P instruments and structured products are subject to Tier N margin calculation.  In addition, HKSCC may apply Margin add-ons to Clearing Participants to monitor and control the risk exposure of HKSCC.


Tier P: Value-at-Risk based (VaR based) Portfolio Margining is adopted, subject to minimum margin level of 3.2% (effective from 14 August 2023).

Tier N: Flat rate margin of sub-categories is as below, subject to Clearing Participant-specific margin multiplier (where appropriate).

  1. Virtual Asset Futures ETFs1: Flat rate margin of 30% (effective from 16 Dec 2022)
  2. Spot Virtual Asset ETFs2: Flat rate margin of 30% (effective from 30 Apr 2024)
  3. Other instruments: Flat rate margin of 12% (effective from 13 June 2022)

Further details of the Margining Methodology and examples are available at the link to Initial Margin Calculation Guide.


(i) Review of Tier N Margin Rate

HKSCC performs regular review and update of Tier N Margin Rates where appropriate. In addition, Tier N Margin Rates may be determined by HKSCC in its absolute discretion from time to time by reference to the matters as HKSCC may consider relevant.


(ii) Notification of Change in Tier N Margin Rate

If any change of Tier N Margin Rates is considered appropriate, notification will be made to Clearing Participants at least one Business Day before the effective day.

All notifications of change in Margin Rates will be available on the HKEX website under “HKSCC Participant Circular”.



1. Product list of Virtual Asset Futures ETFs (under the asset class “Virtual Asset”) is available at the link to Exchange Traded Products.

2. Product list of Spot Virtual Asset ETFs (under the asset class “Virtual Asset”) is available at the link to Exchange Traded Products.

Updated 30 Aug 2024