Vendor Application Procedure (for Delayed Data and/or IIS)
(for applicants applying for delayed datafeed(s) and/or Issuer News (IIS News) under the Market Data Vendor Licence Agreement)
An application is deemed to have been formally lodged with HKEX-IS when the applicant formally submitted Form A1, Form A2 and Form A3. A letter of acknowledgement (“Letter A1”) of the submission of Form A1, Form A2 and Form A3 will be issued.
After the Form A1, Form A2 and Form A3 are considered duly completed and at the preliminary assessment by HKEX-IS that the applicant is fit for licence, HKEX-IS will issue a confirmation letter (“Letter B1”) to the applicant. Upon receipt of Letter B1, the applicant is required to provide the information required under the Market Data Vendor Licence Agreement (e.g. datafeed commencement date, service launch date etc.)
The applicant has to provide all information required under Form A1, Form A2, Form A3 and Letter B1 normally within a period of 2 months from the date of Letter A1. HKEX-IS may grant an extension of no longer than 1 month on the merit of individual cases at the request of the applicants. Otherwise, the application will lapse. No new application from such applicant will be considered within 6 months from the lapse date.
The application will be presented to the senior management for approval upon receipt of the information required under Letter B1; result of the application will normally be available two weeks from the date of Letter B1.
Datafeed Commencement Date: The datafeed commencement date must be within 4 months from the date of Letter A1.