Market Turnover


List of Market Makers/Liquidity Providers

Equity Index Products

  • Hang Seng Index Options
  • Mini-Hang Seng Index Options
  • Weekly Hang Seng Index Options
  • Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options
  • Weekly Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options
  • Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Options
  • Dividend Point Index Futures
  • HSI Volatility Index Futures
  • CES China 120 Index Futures
  • MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Net Total Return Index (USD) Futures
  • MSCI Australia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI China A 50 Connect (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI China Free Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Malaysia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Thailand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Singapore Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Vietnam Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Hong Kong Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Philippines Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Indonesia (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI India (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI China Free (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Thailand (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Malaysia (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Philippines (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Vietnam (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Taiwan 25/50 Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Singapore Free (SGD) Index Futures
  • MSCI Japan (JPY) Index Futures
  • MSCI Japan Net Total Return (JPY) Index Futures

Equity Products


Currency Products

  • USD/CNH Futures & Options
  • EUR/CNH Futures
  • JPY/CNH Futures
  • AUD/CNH Futures
  • CNH/USD Futures
  • INR/USD Futures
  • INR/CNH Futures


Interest Rate and Fixed Income Products

  • One-Month HIBOR Futures
  • Three-Month HIBOR Futures

 Short Code for EP of Market Makers of HKFE Products

BNP Paribas Securities (Asia) Ltd "OPT" Optiver Trading Hong Kong Ltd  
"CTD" Citadel Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd "SQH" Susquehanna Hong Kong Ltd
"HKB" HSBC Broking Futures (Hong Kong) Ltd "UWD" UBS Securities Hong Kong Ltd 
"IBG" Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Ltd "YKR" Yue Kun Research Ltd
IMC Asia Pacific Ltd    
ABN AMRO Clearing Hong Kong Ltd    
 Eclipse Options (HK) Ltd    

Short Code for EP of Market Makers of Stock Options :

Barclays Capital Asia Ltd "JST" Jane Street Asia Pacific Ltd
"BNP" BNP Paribas Securities (Asia) Ltd "MEA" Macquarie Capital Ltd
"BOC" BOCI Securities Ltd "MSA" Morgan Stanley Hong Kong Securities Ltd
Citigroup Global Markets Asia Ltd "NHT" Eclipse Options (HK) Ltd
"CTD" Citadel Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd "NRA" Nomura International (Hong Kong) Ltd
Flow Traders Hong Kong Ltd "NTX" Natixis Asia Ltd
"FUL" Fulbright Securities Ltd "OPT" Optiver Trading Hong Kong Ltd
Goldman Sachs (Asia) Securities Ltd  "PHL" Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd
Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd "SGS" SG Securities (HK) Limited
HSBC Securities Brokers (Asia) Ltd "SQH" Susquehanna Hong Kong Ltd
Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd "TGS" T G Securities Ltd
"IBG" Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Ltd "UWD" UBS Securities Hong Kong Ltd
"IMC" IMC Asia Pacific Ltd  "VDC"
DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Ltd
"JPM" J.P. Morgan Broking (Hong Kong) Ltd "YKR" Yue Kun Research Ltd

Short Code for EP of Liquidity Providers of HKFE Products:

CSC Futures (HK) Ltd "KGI"
KGI Futures (Hong Kong) Ltd
"DAI" DA International Financial Service Limited "MPF" ABN AMRO Clearing Hong Kong Ltd
"FLW" Flow Traders Hong Kong Ltd "NHA" HGNH International Futures Co., Limited
"GFF" GF Futures (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd "NHT" Eclipse Options (HK) Ltd
G. H. Financials (Hong Kong) Ltd "OPT"
Optiver Trading Hong Kong Limited
 "IMC" IMC Asia Pacific Limited "SGS" SG Securities (HK) Ltd
"JPM" J.P. Morgan Broking (Hong Kong) Ltd  "SQH" Susquehanna Hong Kong Limited
"JST" Jane Street Asia Pacific Limited    

Updated 07 Aug 2017